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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Plans for the MissionLawrence Site

I reserved the site name in hopes of developing a county wide mission enterprise based on promoting Bible Studies across the county.

As my interest in Bible Story Telling has grown, the idea has morphed into a network of Bible Studies based on Bible Stories.

Till now the site has hosted my occaisional rants, thoughts, and the general flotsam and jetsom of my mind. The blogosphere doesn't need another one of these blogs!

Now I seek to harness the site to promote Chronological Bible Storytelling here in Lawrence County TN.

Because it will be a public service, I believe I can obtain some free publicity through Christian Radio here.

My intention is to update the site weekly with links to the Bible Story for the week.

Along with each Bible Story will be guided study questions for each Bible Story.

It will link to the scripture text and the scripture actually read by Max McLean since this can be done for free.

Your prayers are solicited for this upgrade and effort to update the site and use it for it's original purpose... saturating a county with the Bible Study groups.

I am indebted to the mission philosophy expressed by these missionaries to Peru for expanding my understanding of the concept of "parish" in presbyterian and reformed terms and as a starting point for a local missions and evangelism strategy.

I must also admit that just as the Apostle Paul hoped to provoke his fellow Jews to a holy jealousy (Romans 11:14), Mission Arlington, started by a "retired" Baptist missionary has provoked me as a reformed minister to jealousy. I hope to visit their operation one day and see it first hand.

Lord have mercy and hear my prayers for your glory in this regard. Amen.