Deliberate People(tm) Daily Prayer Guide
The Daily Audio Bible has reached 2.5 million downloads on iTunes.
They also sell a helpful Bible Reading, Prayer Guide and Journal "in one" called the Deliberate People(tm) Daily Devotion Journal.
This prayer guide is excertpted from their free downloadable Bible Reading Guide to let you see what's in it.
The Bible Reading portions are simpliar to those found in "One Year Bibles" with daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. This is a good plan though what I plan to use in 2007 Lord willing is the M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan except I'll drop M'Cheyne's Psalm readings (giving me only 3 chapters to read some days) because I aim to read the pslams morning and evening anyway. You can find it online here or as an RSS feed in your favorite translation (hopefully) here.
Daily Prayer Guide
Praying the way Jesus taught - Matthew 6:9-13
1. Worship the person of God (Praise, Thanksgiving, Singing)
A. “Our Father in Heaven” (Affirming our identity as
children of God)
B. “Hallowed be Your Name” (Praise God for who He
is and what He has done)
2. Pursuing the Purpose of God
A. “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth
as it is in heaven”
1. My life (Daily surrender of every area, asking for
fresh filling of the Holy Spirit)
2. My family (family members, friends)
3. My church (Pastors, leaders, events)
4. My world (Body of Christ, spiritual and political
leaders, city, state, nation, world, revival, awakening,
B. “Give us this day our daily bread” (Pray dependently,
consistently, specifi cally and expectantly for physical,
emotional and spiritual needs)
C. “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”
1. Receiving God’s forgiveness for ourselves (Confession
and cleansing)
2. Releasing God’s forgiveness to others (canceling
their debt)
D. “Do not lead us (allow us to be lead) into temptation
but deliver us from the evil one”
(Take particular areas of temptation before the Lord,
surrendering to God’s strength and protection, as well as
taking authority over the enemy, committing to resisting
his attacks)
E. “Yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever”
1. The Kingdom – Resting in the knowledge that God’s
rule and dominion is working in us and around us.
2. The Power – Relying on the dynamic, abundant,
mighty, miracle-working, creative power of God.
3. The Glory – Refl ecting God’s excellence, honor,
beauty, majesty and splendor to the world.