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Thursday, December 14, 2006

How Do You Respond To The Good News Ee-Taow

How do you respond to the Good News of Jesus? Is it so "old hat" to you that you really need to get your kicks some other way?

Is the message of Jesus - to your way of thinking - just for "Sunday School kids"?

When was the last time that the message of your sin and mine laid on Jesus brought tears to your eyes?

When was the last time that the message of Christ's righteousness reckoned to you lead you to outrageous rejoicing?

If the time frame for either answer is "not recently", you need to watch Ee-Taow the story of the reaction of the Mouk people of Papua New Guinea as they hear the Good News about Jesus Christ for the first time.

You'll be amazed to see the story of the Zook family as they leave an idyllic lifestyle many idolize in the Amish country of the US (though they themselves were not Amish) to take the gospel to people who had never heard about Jesus and who lived in fear and self-degredation.

In true incarnational fashion, the Zook family (after overcoming their own hurdles to get to the mission field) did what all missionaries do when coming to people who have no written language...they learned, listened, and befriended until they could understand the people and convey their love. Then they began translating the key stories of the Bible into the Mouk language. It took quite some time.

They taught through the key stories of the Old Testament for over 2 months without ever mentioning Jesus using words, pictures and drama.

They recorded the stories and the Mouk listened to them again and again on hand powered cassette recorders.

Then when it came time to finally tell the story of Jesus, the Mouk sat and listened 2 hours per session, twice per day for 2 weeks.

Their response to the Gospel was amazing and convicting.

I strongly suggest getting this 2 part DVD for jaded Western Christians for whom the story of Jesus seems too "mundane". Why do we assume our people even "know" as much about Jesus as they do now? Most haven't taken the time to learn as much as they have.

May God use it to awaken them to the truth and the joyous good news of Jesus.

P.S. Don't we have to do the same thing as the Zook's even if we speak the "same language"?